A powerful hands-on energy therapy that uses universal source energy to affect the principal energy channel within our spinal column. Aligning the physical body allows the whole system to function optimally.
​This treatment is ideal for misalignment of the physical structure, painful joints, back pain, acute and chronic physical dysfunction, and any related emotional or spiritual connections to the physical dis-ease. ​
Benefits include:
deep rest/reset for the nervous system
skeletal realignment
pain relief
improved sleep
mental clarity
a greater sense of lightness
inner stillness and calm​
The energy has its own intelligence, meaning that it will work wherever it is needed for the highest good of the recipient.
Powerful and effective, this non-invasive method does not involve any manipulation. The healing session takes place on a treatment table where the person lies on the back, ​fully dressed and optionally covered with a sheet or blanket.
​Where it is felt that there is an emotional blockage in the body, an emotional healing therapy is be silently applied to release and dissipate th​e related trauma​​.​
Your body's organizing intelligence determines how, and when it will use this energy. There are no guarantees, as with conventional medicine with a doctor or physiotherapist.
An energy healing session compliments other treatments.
Initial session and consultation: €222 Duration: 90 Min.
Subsequent sessions: €200 Duration: 60-75 Min.
Distant healing (after initial in-person session): €111
The Atlas is the top vertebra of the spine, upon which the scull rests, and where the brain-stem connects with the spinal cord. Any slight misalignment in this vertebra will be reflected throughout the whole system, manifesting as migraines, balance issues, dizziness, pain in the neck, shoulder, spine, and even down to a misaligned pelvis, knee problems and more.
This can happen during childbirth, whiplash injuries, or can even be caused by muscular tension, chronic postural misalignment or minor traumas.
This treatment is totally non-invasive and does not involve manipulation - instead the body is offered the optimal circumstances to realign itself.
Three Alignment Therapy sessions are required before this session can take place.
Session: €222
Duration: 90-100 Min
Package price for Energetic Alignment
For some people, one session is enough. For others, there are cumulative benefits to having a course of successive sessions, or if an Atlas Realignment treatment is indicated.
A special price is available for four full treatments (can include Atlas Release)
Package of four healing sessions: €777
A simple and rapid energy healing modality that releases negative emotions, traumas and patterns at a deep cellular level, without needing to talk about them.
These sessions get to the root causes of your issues, blocks and resistance quickly, and clearing them once and for all.
Using simple methods of nervous system regulation, muscle testing, specific touch (on meridian points) and breathwork techniques, you will shift self-sabotage patterns, fears, trauma, negative conditioning and limiting beliefs.
Throughout the session you will be held in an amplifying energy 'container' to support the process.
You will learn quick and simple techniques to reset your frequency and regulate your nervous system through the wisdom of your body.
Results are accomplished without having to share or re-live the original trauma or story.​
Since emotional blocks often manifest in physical discomfort, clearing these states can also facilitate physical healing. This method has great results in shifting physical pain.
These sessions create an internal emotional shift that produces positive changes in all our relationships, especially the one we have with ourselves.​
ONE TO ONE SESSIONS (online or in person)
€111 Duration: 60-75 Min
Three sessions are generally recommended, but not always necessary
Package price for three sessions: €300​
Workshop: Reset Your Frequency
Learn simple and fast ways to reset your vibration, calm and regulate your nervous system and recalibrate your energy. You will implement tools that enable you to release negative thinking and connect with your intuition.
Stress, anxiety, toxins and dysregulation can affect our clarity and decision making. With the tools you learn in this workshop, you will be able to recognise and eliminate self-sabotage and trust yourself through the innate wisdom of your body.
This workshop shares tools used by freedivers to tap into deep relaxation states; self-applied muscle testing techniques to check-in with yourself; and specific meridian points combined with breathwork that can be directly applied to rapidly shift your mindset.
2hr Workshop (max 12 people): €500